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Date Posted: Tue Mar/29/11 at 5:18am

Posts: 557
Joined: 18-Apr-10

"ACTION" was confirmed to be New Phyrexia today! ,

heres the first spoiler.

elesh norn is AMAZING.

cost 7 mana to play,
it gives your creatures +2/+2 and your opponents -2/-2!!!
and its a 4/7 with vigilance!
Date Posted: Tue Mar/29/11 at 7:52am

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Joined: 16-Dec-08

Well my guess was way off, but this is actually much better than I expected. My mono white infect needs a pumplord and it looks like elesh will definitely fit the bill.
Date Posted: Tue Mar/29/11 at 4:32pm

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Best thing is...

Elesh norn isnt an infect creature,
it would work amazingly in ANY white deck.
(although it ability just SCREAMS black...)

and it could be used as a Commander in Commander (EDH) format!

Date Posted: Tue Mar/29/11 at 8:15pm

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Honestly I'm gonna give up a sun titan in my extended w/g just to see how she runs. She'd be a bombshell vs. white weenie.
Date Posted: Tue Mar/29/11 at 8:18pm

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Honestly, it's much better than:

[Edited by shakii23 on 29/Mar/11 at 8:18PM]
Date Posted: Tue Mar/29/11 at 8:22pm

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Nah I'd say he's a mini-elesh. I may build edh with both like animosity mentioned.
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 5:26am

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Not to mention..
it'd turn any of the m11 titans your opponent controls into 4/4's , which are much easier to kill then.
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 3:19pm

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Was it me that posted that Phyrexia would win? I believe it was. Score, 1 point for Ghostfire!!!!!
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 3:35pm

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Kudos on your victory over who would win a large scale war in a fictional universe.

XD just kidding. You were right and that's a fact. SUCK IT! MIRRAN LOSERS!
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 3:47pm

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Phyrexia is the only big black abyss of Evil that MTG has ever made. Yes I understand that there have been other evils in the story but the key is Evil not evil.

Urza tried to beat back phyrexia and destroy it and failed. Maybe Karn will finish the job

Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 4:15pm

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I doubt Karn being of any aid in that matter. After all at the end of the video we do see what I'm assuming to be a mirran call him savior followed by phyrexia calling him destroyer. So I'm assuming he will unite phyrexia and they will be a five color army of doom. (Anyone else see a sort of legion of doom analogy here? Elesh, Jin, Unabrask, Sheoldred, and Vorinclex would definitely make for a great kid's villans followed by the planeswalkers as stereotypical power ranger antagonists.)

Also during the christmas special episode the praetors will run from a myr battlesphere which will become a giant snowball as they run downhill with the new catch phrase "I hate those walkers!!"
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 4:43pm

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Was i the only one that thought...
"phyrexia is gonna win this, and spread to other planes... what if the phyrexians and eldrazi met on some plane (since the eldrazi wasnt defeated either...)??? would there be a war? would the eldrazi get infected? what???"
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 6:32pm

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That would be AWESOME.
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 6:34pm

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Sadly, that's not going to happen. Just look at Near-Death Experience.

Lands ravaged, cities in ruins, so many lives sacrificed, and yet there was no other word for it but victory.

Poor Eldrazi.
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 6:55pm

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@ forgerofpie

im pretty sure i even read this on the main MTG site...

The eldrazi wasnt defeated.

thats just flavour text on near death experience...

do you really think they would just have the insanely powerful alien creatures of MTG just dissapear after 1 set?
Date Posted: Wed Mar/30/11 at 7:13pm

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Yes. The Eldrazi, given time, would again become the most insanely awesome power in the Multiverse, sucking the mana out of everything, and eventually destroying the Multiverse itself, and therefore the card game. That would NOT be cool. Besides the Eldrazi would probably come out of their cardboard card and wreak havoc on this world. They'd probably burn all the Magic cards in the universe, kinda like the book burnings that Hitler held, then they'd nuke Wizards of the Coast to the ground.
Date Posted: Thu Mar/31/11 at 8:49am

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Random thought: What if the eldrazi are tiny on certain plains er...planes? Ulamog would be an adorable chibi I think.
Date Posted: Thu Mar/31/11 at 12:45pm

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Everything always seems to be correctly porportioned on different planes. Also, everyone seems to speak English, well, humans, at least.
Date Posted: Thu Mar/31/11 at 7:36pm

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You hear that screaming? That is the sound of a once comedic dream dying PAINFULLY. Thank you turbine...thank you.
Date Posted: Sun Apr/03/11 at 9:53am

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@Ghostfire: You HAVE to give Urza credit. He destroyed the Father of Machines, who became a god in the Ninth Sphere of Phyrexia, had to deal with Xantcha for a few thousand years of his never-ending life, had to clear Tolaria of the Phyrexians, built Karn and the Legacy Weapons, and blew the Phyrexian plane to hell.

You're telling me that's not enough?
Date Posted: Sun Apr/03/11 at 9:45pm

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Isnt this..
really off-topic guys???
Date Posted: Sun Apr/03/11 at 9:52pm

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Nuh-uh mini eldrazi are totally related to new your right. Everybody we must keep the topic pure and totally random focused on whats at hand, which would be nothing because the most recent development from wizards has been duet decks Liliana with Gideon and Alternate artwork of Elesh in a string bikini....oh wait that last one was supposed to stay in a thought bad....sorry guys....necrophilia got the best of me. Bow-chicka-WTF!

Date Posted: Mon Apr/04/11 at 7:09pm

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these days, that's pretty much where all topics go... somebody makes a very random connection that's pretty weak, but since the old topic's dried up on ideas, they convert to the new topic.

Thus is the way of politicians.
Date Posted: Mon Apr/04/11 at 9:10pm

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the duet decks thing was published on april 1st..
are you sure that wasnt an april fools joke???
Date Posted: Mon Apr/04/11 at 9:57pm

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I know it was a joke. Most of my posts are done in a joking manner, so I thought it an appropriate reference.
Date Posted: Mon Apr/04/11 at 10:54pm

W@W Podcaster
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Take a look at all of the new spoilers on MTG Salvation.
Date Posted: Tue Apr/05/11 at 8:33am

Posts: 845
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Wow, those are some crazy cards. I'm not sure how I feel about the mana cost of some of the cards. I like the idea of paying 2 life instead of mana, but I don't really like it as a mana symbol...
Date Posted: Tue Apr/05/11 at 8:48am

Posts: 1081
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I'm a little confused that Wizards removed all the Shaharazad style mini-game cards way back in the day and then Karn the game restarter! 

I'm worn out on the "you can't lose with 0 life" cards.

Praetor's Grip has a ton of uses. 

Urabrask, the Hidden and Spellsplitter I'm betting will have a couple of decks associated with it.

Date Posted: Tue Apr/05/11 at 6:27pm

Posts: 1771
Joined: 16-Dec-08

YAY more elesh norn flavor text undead sexyness....GAH! of all the times wizards could make a playphyrexian magazine why not now? I want an Elesh norn centerfold or I'm not buying any Innistrad.
Date Posted: Tue Apr/05/11 at 11:34pm

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I have to question the authocinity (sp) of these cards.  None of the cards other then the 3 released by wizards, have a confirmable source.  the sites that normally have spoilers are not showing anything, or if they are they are showing these and saying they got them from here. Besides that some of the cards just seem to powerful and thats saying a lot from current sets. 

Karn for instance, the way wizards was able to keep the title hidden for months, I find it hard to believe they would release the most anticpated card of the set so early, and as a planeswalker?  alittle to much explaining for that

you get this phyrexian chancellor a 5/5 trampler for 4, but then add in that ability it gets to overpowered, even for a mythic.  if this is real, mono black arrgo will become the main deck in competitive play

Now I wouldn't mind some of them being real, the blue conspirecy will be awsome with allies still in standard and the new prison term would be nice as well
Date Posted: Wed Apr/06/11 at 5:06am

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Date Posted: Wed Apr/06/11 at 4:26pm

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Nevermind...I can forgive wizards. They gave elesh implants!
Date Posted: Wed Apr/06/11 at 7:54pm

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Gold wouldn't seem like an effective armor.
Date Posted: Wed Apr/06/11 at 11:05pm

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Ah but if you recall puresteel hasn't been corrupted yet. I'm willing to bet the gold is there for ornate purpose and likely the mixture of melted gold being blended with puresteel to create a "holy" effect. Either that or puresteel is gold...which would completely shut down my much for epic explanations....*sighs*
Date Posted: Thu Apr/07/11 at 2:08pm

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It's only epic if you say it's epic...

Gold's a pretty soft metal, but when combined with titanium it's almost indestructible. Remember also that Phyrexia has taken over most of the Razor Fields... Maybe the Razor glass that makes a blade of grass is some kind of superstrong metallic glass or something?

Maybe it's fiberglass!

...*chirp*... *chirp*...

Ok, that was kinda desperate. I know.
Date Posted: Thu Apr/07/11 at 3:04pm

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Now I know my explanations are a stretch (as is most of my reality.) but seriously fiberglass?
Date Posted: Thu Apr/07/11 at 5:43pm

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hey everyone...
whats your favorite colour of the phyrexians so far?

mine is personally red, because they have those cool friggin mask things....
second fave is white because of their wierd bone things on their face
Date Posted: Thu Apr/07/11 at 6:54pm

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Do you have to ask? WHITE! in all its undead sexiness with an epic sense of innocent evil. True greatness. A fine example of what happens when white is allowed to be a truly fascist community. The few, the proud, the Porcelain! ( phyresis is not a significant source of vitamins A, B, C, D, or P. Please consult your doctor to see if phyresis is right for you. Do not induce phyresis if you are pregnant, smoking, or under the influence of narcotics. Drinking may cause irreversible effects during your compleation and lead to you being fueled by alchohol rather than oil. Available to all residents within the Razorgrass fields and several subregions of bladehold. If no area is near you can contact your local annex for details regarding phyresis and how it will effect you and your loved ones. Phyresis can be a rigourous process so be sure to consult your doctor before engaging in any form of compleation. Please note infections may occur on a regualar basis and are irreversible. Suture priests may be required for ripping out your flesh. Restrictions apply and results may vary.)

Damn I shouldda been a PR expert! 
Date Posted: Thu Apr/07/11 at 8:18pm

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Maybe. . .IT'S LEXAN!
Date Posted: Thu Apr/07/11 at 9:03pm

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Going on the gold armor lets not forget the fictional universe armor scale



1 the cooler it looks the more protection


2 if its easy to find for a noob it sucks


3 most importantly on females less armor means more protection :)


ps has anyone seen karn the returned


costing cast 7

+4 target player exiles a card from their hand


-3 exile target permanent


-14 set aside all non aura permanents exiled with karn then restart the game with all those permanents on the battlefield under your control

Starting loyalty 6
Date Posted: Sat Apr/09/11 at 10:00am

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its called "Karn, the saviour"

and his ultimate is
-14 = return all non aura permanents exiled with karn the saviour to the battlefield under your control

heres the card.

Date Posted: Sat Apr/09/11 at 10:09am

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The INSANELY AWESOME thing about this new planeswalker...
is it exiles permanents...
and its colourless - BUT not an "artifact", just colourless...
which renders almost all "protection" cards useless :) 
(except progenitus...)
but even emrakul cant stand a chance against this guy! :D
Date Posted: Mon Apr/11/11 at 5:01am

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Surgical Extraction


Date Posted: Mon Apr/11/11 at 10:28am

W@W Podcaster
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Ugh, could you guys please post pictures with HTML instead of dragging (copy + paste) them into the thing?
Date Posted: Mon Apr/11/11 at 11:04am

Ally Cyber Nar
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Date Posted: Mon Apr/11/11 at 12:49pm

W@W Podcaster
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This is what the image looks like (for people who can't see it on their browsers).
Date Posted: Tue Apr/12/11 at 2:15am

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Date Posted: Tue Apr/12/11 at 12:42pm

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Man, these guys look like Bionicles...
Date Posted: Fri Apr/15/11 at 10:17am

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Sheoldred, Whispering One

At the beginning of your upkeep,return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield.
At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep,that player sacrifices a creature.

Date Posted: Fri Apr/15/11 at 10:41am

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Sweet. Gotta get me some praetors fo sho.
Date Posted: Fri Apr/15/11 at 10:47am

W@W Podcaster
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That seems sooooo overpowered. It's like:

"Ok, I'm going to play Phyrexian Rebirth, and my token will be a 5/5. Pass."

"Mmmk, well this sucks. Umm, Steppe Lynx. Go."

"K, land, Sheoldred, go."

"Well, f*** you man. Just f*** you."
Date Posted: Fri Apr/15/11 at 1:19pm

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sheoldred...almost exactly what i was looking for with my ghost council deck
Date Posted: Fri Apr/15/11 at 1:20pm

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jeez....a member since february and less than 30 posts...i have got to start wasting more time...

[Edited by theotherguy on 15/Apr/11 at 1:20PM]
Date Posted: Fri Apr/15/11 at 6:24pm

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Don't feel bad. It proves you have not been sucked into the game to far. Once you start quoting cards while playing it's game over man, game over.
Date Posted: Sat Apr/16/11 at 10:33am

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Date Posted: Sat Apr/16/11 at 10:37am

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Artifact Creature

{PU}: Target spell or ability that targets a single creature targets ~ instead.

({PU} may be paid for with either u or 2 life.)




Artifact – Equipment

Living Weapon

Equip {PB}{PB}

({PB} may be paid for with either b or 2 life.)

Equipped creature has +1/+1 for each Swamp you control.

Hex Parasite



Artifact Creature – Insect(?)


x{PB}: Target a permanent. Remove up to X counters from that permanent. ~ gains +1/+0 until end of turn for each counter removed this way.

({PB} may be paid for with either b or 2 life.)

Spawning Shell




({PG} may be paid for with either g or 2 life.)

{PG}, T, sacrifice a creature: Search your library for a creature with CMC equal to or less than the sacrificed creature’s plus one. Put that creature into play, then shuffle your library. Play this ability only when you can play a Sorcery.

Invasion Parasite



Creature – Insect

Imprint – When ~ enters the battlefield, exile target land.

Whenever an opponent plays a land with the same name as the exiled card, ~ deals 2 damage to him or her.

Date Posted: Sat Apr/16/11 at 10:40am

Posts: 557
Joined: 18-Apr-10

Is anyone else thinking...

Puresteel paladin is just #*^$ing awesome?! :D

im  TOTALLY remaking my white equipment deck once new phyrexia comes out.
Date Posted: Sat Apr/16/11 at 10:53am

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Date Posted: Mon Apr/18/11 at 5:01am

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Date Posted: Tue Apr/19/11 at 4:59am

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Date Posted: Tue Apr/19/11 at 9:09pm

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Date Posted: Tue Apr/19/11 at 9:33pm

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Date Posted: Tue Apr/19/11 at 11:40pm

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So much brokeness....I have no reason to bitch about this set....I have seen a set that satisfies me completely...I may start to cry.....T.T
Date Posted: Wed Apr/20/11 at 5:20am

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I know, right?!
i love how with this set they actually made something to combat almost everything..
So you dont get certain things that totally rule standard XD ...

we're gonna start saying goodbye to jace soon :)

theres stuff for fighting planeswalkers,
as well as stuff for COMPLETELY nullifying infect!
Date Posted: Wed Apr/20/11 at 7:07am

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Bump to get ahead of Twogunkid's charity deck. (Well designed btw. Kudos.) I am determined to keep new phyrexia on top untill I go to fnm this week.
Date Posted: Wed Apr/20/11 at 9:49am

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Moving on up!
Date Posted: Wed Apr/20/11 at 10:42am

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Go to for the complete spoiler!
Date Posted: Wed Apr/20/11 at 11:25am

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WTF! The Mirrans show up and Unabrask is like... "Meh! They're doomed anyway.Stop gawking and get back to work everybody!"
Date Posted: Wed Apr/20/11 at 9:37pm

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Norn's annex is gonna be such a piss off D: ...

but luckily for me, i really like scars block white, so ima use it XD
Date Posted: Sat Apr/23/11 at 8:28pm

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I'm goin to the Pre-Release as one of my b-day presents?

Anyone elese goin?
Date Posted: Sat Apr/23/11 at 8:29pm

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*(First sentence ! instead of ?)
Date Posted: Sat Apr/23/11 at 9:47pm

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Call me crazy (please do, by all means I beg of thee.), but now that New phyrexia is spoiled, anyone else feel....stagnant? Like all your hype is now just premediated and the magic is lost? (just like Spiderman 3, dear god that film was terrible.)
Date Posted: Sun Apr/24/11 at 10:27am

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Not really...I still know that there are gonna be LOTS more Mythics and LOTS more rares, uncommons, and commons that they won't tell us about. And yes, you ARE crazy. Your welcome :)
Date Posted: Sun Apr/24/11 at 11:18am

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Thank you!
Date Posted: Mon Apr/25/11 at 9:06am

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Wizards has released the visual spoilers of every card. You can find it here:Click Here.
Date Posted: Mon Apr/25/11 at 2:16pm

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Is it just me or does this set seem extra sic? I'm definately
getting 2 boxes, maybe 3. Even the commons and uncommons are
screaming "Somebody's going to do sothing bad with me" to me. On a
power scale it kinda reminds me of urza's block.

[Edited by rav514 on 25/Apr/11 at 2:17PM]

[Edited by rav514 on 25/Apr/11 at 2:19PM]
Date Posted: Sat Apr/30/11 at 10:01pm

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Well, they've got to get out of a flop somehow.

SOM was an epic fail for Wizards, resulting in only the birth of an infect deck that we only see in DRAFTS.

MBS is slightly better, influencing standard with Caw-Blade by the production of Sword of Feast and Famine.

We also get Glissa in MBS (I have GOT to get my hands on her!)

Okay, that sounded just slightly weird.

So Wizards is going over the top with New Phyrexia. The have to make sure that the set goes out with a bang.
Date Posted: Sat Apr/30/11 at 10:36pm

W@W Podcaster
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In your review of the three newest MTG sets you failed to mention the artwork of the cards in general. The card art quality has definitely risen in and since SOM. In my opinion, this block has the best artwork out of any block in magic ever!
Date Posted: Sat Apr/30/11 at 11:44pm

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And horrifying, don't forget horrifying. Just seeing the artwork on surgical extraction just makes me think...ouch and don't even get me started on Elesh's skinless....voluptous....hips....of....a....godess....*Drools*, but yeah the artwork has improved greatly.
Date Posted: Sat May/19/12 at 10:35am

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[Edited by shmogi on 6/Feb/15 at 5:44AM]
Date Posted: Sat Oct/27/12 at 5:51pm

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[Edited by shmogi on 6/Feb/15 at 5:44AM]

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