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Forum Overview >> Combos
Combo Name: lose much life Submitted By: knarf_the_dwarf
Card Name
Editions (ordered by release)

Poisonbelly Ogre
Creature - Warrior Ogre 4B 3/3 Guildpact, Common

Alliance of Arms
Sorcery W Commander, Rare
Estimated Combo Cost: $0.93
Date Posted: Tue Jan/20/15 at 9:10 am

Posts: 1370
Joined: 30-Nov-11

Fun in Multiplayer Teamplay. I think the active Player wins!?

The active Player pays mana first, then the other Players in turn order.
Tokens enter the battlefield all at once (the Card text doesn't say something different...).
The loss of life triggered effects are put on th estack, the one of the active Player first, the effect of the Player with last turn order last.
On Resolution the top most effect is handled losing much life from the Player with the last turn order. If he is dead, you win maybe instantly!-)
Date Posted: Tue Jan/20/15 at 1:11pm

Posts: 636
Joined: 24-Mar-13

As a note, the only relevance active player or not has is the order of all triggered abilities being stacked. You still control all of the ogre's triggers, so you control the order they stack in. Once all of your triggered abilities stack, the next player in turn order stacks any triggers they control and so on until all are stacked, then it the stack resolves, top to bottom.

Forum Overview >> Combos
